Google AdWords Express: The Go-To Guide for Small Businesses

Small businesses operate under heavy pressure nowadays: nearly everybody is online, and they want a way to reach customers – and existing ones – that’s quick and inexpensive. Enter Google AdWords Express, a simplified and no-fuss version of regular old Google AdWords, allowing retailers, innkeepers, restauranteurs, consultants, freelancers, and digital marketers to create powerful ad campaigns without having to do a lot of the grunt work. This guide to Google AdWords Express is just for you. From how to get started with your very first campaign to optimizing it to be the best it can be, it covers everything you need to know.

Google AdWords Express
Google AdWords Express

What Is Google AdWords Express?

Google AdWords Express is a simplified version of Google Ads that allows small companies that cannot afford to invest large amounts of time or staff to operate complex advertising campaigns to run their ads menu with a few simple steps.

Benefits of AdWords Express

Ease of Use

Perhaps its greatest benefit is that Google AdWords Express is easy to use. The engine is built in a plug-and-play fashion that works not only for seasoned digital marketing professionals but also for someone who has never done it before.


Those who run a small company have their hands full just keeping things going, let alone finding the time to manage an advertising campaign. AdWords Express automates as much of this set-up and ongoing maintenance as possible, giving small business owners more time to get on with work.


With AdWords Express, you also set a daily advertising budget and maintain your costs very well: only pay for clicking (not for views).

Local Targeting

If you are a small business, your best customers are often the ones who are nearby. There is no tool better at local targeting than AdWords Express.

Automated Ad Management

It employs machine learning to improve performance, so ads can automatically be well-tuned without human intervention.

Key Features of Google AdWords Express

Smart Campaigns

These campaigns use machine learning to optimize performance in the background, serving your ads to the right people at the right time.

Local Business Promotion

AdWords Express is especially good to push business for a local business you run and it allows you to target location and add location information.

Call Tracking

Track exactly how many of your inbound calls are a result of the ads (providing critical intelligence about the success of your campaigns).

Automated Ad Management

But hey, it pretty much does all the work for you – choosing keywords, placing bids – you know, all the good stuff. All you need to do is go and run a company.

Budget Control

You just choose a daily spending budget, the right amount that suits your business, and AdWords Express will make sure you never go over.

Follow These Steps to Set Up a Google AdWords Express Account

Step 1 Register Your Business

First, have a Google account because you need it to proceed. Don’t have one? Create one first. Then go to the website –, and sign in.

Step 2 Create Your Ad

  • Enter your company name and website.
  • Create a cool, eye-catching ad. Make sure it communicates your intention.
  • Make the call to action strong. you should want the users to click on it: ‘Visit us’, ‘Call now’.

Step 3 Set Your Budget

Decide on the daily ad spend. Google gives approximations for clicks, impressions, and queries based on the budget.

Step 4 Choose Your Audience

Specify an area where you want to see your ads; that might be the whole country, a city, or even a neighborhood.

Step 5 Launch Your Campaign

Check the information, make changes as needed, and then launch your campaign. Google will show your ads to the group of users you’ve specified.

Utilizing Google AdWords Express for Local Business

For local businesses, AdWords Express clubs you in with excellent targeting based on your location so that your ads reach people in the area with the best chance of being interested in what you’re selling. Here’s how to make it work for you:

Geographic Targeting

Target your ads to specific locations where your customers would be found – that way you won’t waste your budget.

Local Keywords

Increase relevancy by using local keywords for the ad copy: Best Coffee Shop in New York.

Google My Business Integration

Connect AdWords Express with your Google My Business profile to display your business address phone number, and customer reviews in your ads. This can transform your ads into a mini website.

Google Ads vs. Google AdWords Express


  • But this feature is available only on Google Ads, which is a far more polished product, offering refined features to advanced users, such as keyword bidding, granular targeting, and serious analytics.
  • AdWords Express is built for simplicity and automates a number of these features to make them easy for dabblers.


  • The curse of running Google Ads is that it gives users total control over everything. Every input is allowable.
  • What AdWords Express offers in place of control it makes up for in ease of use and automation.


  • Google Ads provides detailed reports and insights, enabling users to refine their strategies continuously.
  • AdWords Express offers basic reporting, sufficient for most small business needs.

Tips for Optimizing Google Ads Express

Write Compelling Ad Copy

Keep it short, stand-out, and compelling: tell the reader what your business does differently, and call them to action.

Use High-Quality Images

If your ad has images, make sure they’re of the highest quality and pertinent to your business. People respond strongly to visual content.

Monitor Performance

Even where AdWords Express automates the process, it’s still important to check in regularly on how your ad is performing. Tweak the details to see what works.

Leverage Customer Reviews

Nothing builds the credibility of an ad like positive reviews. Encourage happy customers to post them, and run your ads with a sprinkling of testimonials.

Focus on Local Keywords

As Google AdWords Express is adept at targeting users in the local area, you can further enhance local relevance by targeting local keywords – which might well increase your ad’s performance and help secure that click.

Take Advantage of Promotions

And if you are promoting any offers or running any promotions, great! Stress these within your ads as well. You might even get more clicks.

Final Takeaways

Google AdWords Express also enables advertisers with the simplest tool possible; one that’s point-and-click friendly, does away with much of the complexity of regular AdWords, and is local-centric: it packages local Listing needs, bidding engine, and general management features in one low-cost platform. AdWords Express provides a low-cost Package for advertisers.

It’s time to make advertising for your small business more powerful. Get Google AdWords Express today and watch your first campaign perform wonders! Happy advertising!

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