Complete Guide to LinkedIn Carousel Ads

In today’s digital landscape, LinkedIn has suddenly become a leading platform in B2B marketing. Beyond the typical advertising options designed to entertain and turn this time, one standout has a significant effect through its flexibility and impact-LinkedIn Carousel Ads. This guide is meant to take you through the experience of LinkedIn Carousel Ads that you will get from their benefits to best practices when creating powerful campaigns. If you are a marketer or a social media manager, you will get practical advice to make your ad tactic excellent.

LinkedIn Carousel Ads
LinkedIn Carousel Ads

Who LinkedIn Carousel Ads Are?

A LinkedIn Carousel Ad is a new type of mobile advertisement on LinkedIn that was developed to make the marketing experience more prosperous and interactive. It replaces the still image ads with the concept of multi-card where the user can swipe through cards to get to the content of each card, which contains an image, headline, and link. This is a compelling and successful layout for storytelling, displaying different parts of the product or presenting a couple of choices in one ad.

Key Features:

  • Multiple Cards: Up to 10 cards can be included in one ad, each with a visual and part of the text.
  • Interactive Experience: Users are capable of swiping any carousel for more interactive and engaging experiences, respectively.
  • Customizable CTA: Every card has its call-to-action (CTA), motivating specific actions that interest people.

Strategic Advantages

Enhanced Engagement

While carousel ads are used more frequently than standard single-image ads, they perform well in engagement. The interactive function of swiping through several cards captivates users more effectively and gets them to interact with your content.

Storytelling Potential

When you have the option of multiple cards, you can plot a drama that is enacted as users swipe through the carousel. This is the right approach to move from a problem by presenting a solution to the call to action that pulls in any person who comes across it.

Improved Click-Through Rates

LinkedIn says carousel ads are much more effective in obtaining clicks than plain, non-interactive content. Each card offers a unique URL that can lead users to different landing pages.

Versatility and Flexibility

Whether advertising a new line of products, presenting customer testimonials, or showing customers how to use the service, a carousel offers a flexible format that can adjust to the marketing objectives of the respective tasks.

Ad Specs for LinkedIn Carousel Ads

Creating effective LinkedIn Carousel Ads implies sticking to necessary issues and purpose.

Image Specs

  • File Types: JPG, PNG
  • Max File Size: 10 MB
  • Image Ratio: 1:1 (1080 x 1080 pixels recommended)

Video Specs

  • File Types: MP4
  • Max File Size: 200 MB
  • Video length ranges from three seconds to thirty minutes.
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 (1080 x 1080 pixels are ideal).

Text Specs

  • Headline: Up to 45 characters
  • Introductory Text: Up to 255 characters

Steps to Create a LinkedIn Carousel Ad Campaign

Now that we’ve covered the best practices let’s walk you through creating a LinkedIn Carousel Ad campaign.

Step 1. Define Your Objective

Create an ad only after you have made clear your goals. Increase the credibility of your brand, get leads, or attract more traffic to your website. But the first thing is to set a goal to direct your sound decisions and inspire your thoughts. As a result, you’ll be in the mainstream of achieving this goal.

Step 2. Choose the Right Ad Format

LinkedIn’s ad formats may change from time to time. However, our demonstration is focused on carousel ads. Choose “Carousel Ad” from the ad format options bar to view them.

Step 3. Design Your Cards

Besides intriguingly combining the visuals with your advertisement, you must be innovative in your messages’ title and body. Note the critical practices covered earlier—can’t-miss headlines, identification of the company brand, and stunning and sophisticated visuals.

Step 4. Set Up Your Campaign

First and foremost, please go to LinkedIn Campaign Manager and establish a new campaign. Your focus should be specific targeting, immediate action, and the plan. You will be asked to communicate your message by addressing the audience, setting the budget, and indicating the campaign length. You must give your card and preview your ad to ensure everything appears correct.

Step 5. Launch and Monitor

When you’ve made it, start the ad. Observe the performance data and be flexible to make corrections if required. The total of making continuous observational remarks and performance improvements is the way to make your advertisement a hit.

Best Practices for Creating Effective Carousel Ads

Please refer to the following points to maximize the impact of LinkedIn Carousel Ads.:

Begin Energized

Your slide ad’s initial tab is what will draw people in. Make it visually attractive and interesting enough that users click on the rest of the tabs. Use a strong headline and high-quality visual materials to attract attention.

Concentrated Branding

Make the visuals of any of your slides memorable and feature them in the line of your brand’s identity. Correlation in hues, types, and designs, not only for an ad but also for the brand, helps create an ad that is coherent and easy to understand.

Emphasize a plot

What makes the carousel ads so great is their storytelling feature. Utilize each card to add to the previous one and guide the audience through a story that eventually leads to a solid call to action.

Create High-Quality Photographs and Films

The aesthetics of your carousel ad can be the factor that makes it or kills it. Next, the images and video need to be high quality and with a professional design. Low-resolution graphics can dilute your message and lead to a decrease in user engagement.

Individual Card Optimization

Each card in the slide set should stand out as an individual element while contributing to the overall message. Write clear, exciting copy for each application and ensure the visual material complements the text.

Apply Strong CTAs

Your call to action (CTA) power is the most crucial user engagement metric. If it’s “Learn More,” “Sign Up,” or “Download Now,” just make sure you are very specific and compelling enough to make them do it.

Test Different Variations

Don’t stick to your first edition, but try at least a couple of versions of the ad carousel to figure out which one will have the best results. Modify headlines, images, and CTAs to find the most potent combinations.

Leverage Analytics

Once your carousel ad has been launched, you should utilize LinkedIn’s metrics to observe its performance. Observe essential performance indicators such as the click-through rate (CTR), the engagement rate, and the conversions. Use this data to tweak your tactics and create better future campaigns.


What is the ideal number of cards for a LinkedIn Carousel Ad?

LinkedIn will enable the display of up to 10 images each. However, the number of cards you use in a row must be appropriate for your content and its purposes. Three to five cards are the most valuable and familiar figures, as they usually give the audience the whole picture but do not remove their focus from so many of them.

Are there any restrictions on the content types I can use for LinkedIn Carousel Ads?

You should double-check LinkedIn’s content policies and get them approved before releasing the content. Use as few negative keywords as possible and ensure your ads adhere to LinkedIn’s advertising policies.

How can I measure the success of my LinkedIn Carousel Ads?

Look through the LinkedIn interface, which entails a comprehensive set of mechanisms and tools, and gain control, especially over the essential ad campaign metrics that yield CTR, the number of clicks, the level of excitement, and conversion. By verifying the data, you can conclude whether your ads are productive, and if so, based on the information, you can make decisions concerning your business.


LinkedIn Carousel Ads launched a flexible and interactive approach to reaching your target audience. By using their creativity and implementing the best methods, marketers can generate the best outcomes by running such campaigns, which will be vital in achieving their goals of higher engagement and conversation.

Does your LinkedIn marketing strategy need a makeover? Try carousel ads and use your full creativity potential.

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