The Complete Guide to TikTok Ad Specs

In a pack of digital marketing options, TikTok separates itself from the crowd with its ingenious content and an ever-growing and trailblazing user base along with the integration of innovative formats of advertisement which defy the classification of the promotional standard. If you have been willing to the time away in a somber phase of TikTok advertising, then this full guide could be your miracle cure, as it holds the necessary detours for exploiting value in TikTok farming. A gripping ad narrative of TikTok ads specs will be plotted which would provide all the necessary data on the most efficient way to utilize the platform.

TikTok Ad Specs
TikTok Ad Specs

Why Advertise on TikTok?

On the other hand, TikTok is famous as one of the Gen Z social networks, and it is also a powerful marketing platform. With more than one billion active users per month and different ad formats that aim at attracting people and an easy way of making ads and managing them, TikTok is not just for youngsters, it offers wide opportunities for companies. TikTok is merely an all-terrain television.

Audience Diversity

Contrary to what is generally thought, TikTok is not limited to Gen Z. In contrast, TikTok reaches a large number of people of diverse age groups who are, at the same time, willing to connect with brands that speak their language.

Viral Potential

That experience and replication of content can likely skyrocket a publication into the category of viral, obtaining a previously unthinkable level of popularity.

In-Depth Analytics

With the help of TikTok’s comprehensive analytics tools, companies can gather extremely helpful insights and data immediately, and tender that leads them to plan the most impactful reach and capture with their campaigns.

Creativity Focus

The road to success on TikTok lies not only in creativity but also in self-confidence. TikTok tries to see and understand your company on a different level it shifts away from this institutional approach and helps’ bands in a more meaningful connection with users.

TikTok Ad Specs

Not only is TikTok home to its user-generated content, but it also has videos that play along with it. Here are the various video ad specifications you can use on TikTok:

Topview Ads

Advertisements that take up the full display of the user when starting the app are top-view ad videos. These are skippable and play by default using sound. Hence, attention-grabbing animations and an easy-to-read message are relevant. The recommended specifications for them are:

  • Aspect Ratio 9:16 with a resolution of 720×1280 pixels.
  • File Type: mp4, mov, or gif
  • Duration 15 secs (recommended maximal)
  • Max File Size: 500MB

In-Feed Ads

In-feed ads are those that get buried in the TikTok stream and can be more seamlessly incorporated into the content of our users. They do not only allow users to connect to a page outside TikTok but they are also used to install other applications. The recommended specifications are:

  • Aspect Ratio: 9/16 (vertical) and 16:9 (horizontal) with an at-least resolution of 1280×720 pixels
  • File Type: mp4, mov or gif
  • The duration is between 9 and 15 seconds
  • Max File Size: 500MB

Brand Takeover Ads

Brand Takeover ads are full-screen advertisements that are shown as soon as TikTok users open the app. They can be either a three-second to five-second image or a three-to-five-second GIF that has audio. The baselines for the recommended ad formats and qualities are the following:

  • Image/GIF Ratio: 9:16
  • Resolution: 720x1280px
  • File Type: Image (.jpg and .png) or GIF (.gif)
  • Max Size: 500KB

Branded Hashtags

Make a challenge that can introduce people to encounter content, make them do something, and produce their uploads on the platform. They must precisely follow the guidelines that qualify the challenge as a perfect example of how a campaign should be:

  • Aspect Ratio: 1080×1920 in a portrait, 1920×1080 in a landscape
  • File Type: mp4, mov
  • Duration 60 seconds
  • Max File Size: 500MB

Branded Effects

Enable brands to use Branded Effects by making custom stickers or touch-up reality for user-generated content through AR (Augmented Reality). Here are the recommended specifications that one should follow:

  • AR Effect Resolution: 1080×1920 Pixels to display the device’s portrait display, 1080×1080 pixels to display the landscape.
  • Sticker Dimension: 256×256 pixels
  • Sticker File Type (static sticker): .png or .webp, (animated stickers): .gif, .mp4, or .mov
  • Max File Size: 10MB

Other TikTok Ad Specs

TikTok Ads
TikTok Ads

Video remains the most popular format on TikTok Nevertheless, there is a variety of ad formats to mix up with your video ad.

TikTok Ad Images

Advertisers can use static pictures together with moving flicks or else as one of the files in ads. The basic specifications recommended are:

  • Aspect Ratio: 9/16 having an aspect ratio of 720×1280 pixels.
  • File Type: .jpg or .png
  • Max File Size: 500KB

Ad Brand Name and TikTok Ad Description

Your text with the ad should be as good as a picture. If we talk about the Brand Name, we can use up to 20 characters whereas for the Ad Description, you may have a language of up to 80 characters. It is important to attract the attention of viewers and bring clicks properly, without cheating the viewers.

8 Best Practices for TikTok Ads

After adjusting based on the specification, jump into the creation of ads, which are designed to be more than the specifications and eventual user expectations as well. Here are eight wonderful ideas to build TikTok ads that attract users as well, but they have to be hard to resist.

Understand the TikTok Audience

Given that TikTok is popular for its young audience, 40% of users are aged between 16 and 24. Therefore, you have to adapt the context and incorporate the relevant humor and pop culture references in the manner most suitable for your young audience. In addition, write in a simple and engaging style.

Don’t Neglect the First 3 Seconds

Someone has to find a way to keep the reader focused longer than a millisecond or two, or they lose his/her attention, thus the first 3 seconds should not be neglected. In other words, they will stop the viewer in their tracks with vibrant colors bold text, and catchy images.

Keep it Vertical and Engaging

TikTok specifically designed the app for mobile devices and made all the ads compliant with a vertical view. Additionally, ensure that your content is primarily intended for this setup and is also intended to fully enjoy the user during the entire ad duration.

Incorporate Music and Sound

Sounds are an integral element of an entertaining TikTok experience. Access the vast music library of TikTok and use the hundreds of music tracks to add flavor to your ad that shall be in tune with the TikTok style.

Be Authentic and Authentic

TikTok is based on authenticity. For instance, making use of different real people, real stories, and originality in style is a very intelligent way of communicating with users.

Join the Conversation

Spend some time and be in the know with the recent phraseology that is trending on TikTok to get high traffic for your content. You must look at the activities of your users as well as create ads that have the potential to involve and engage them

Try a Call-To-Action (CTA)

Demand that users do something specific by including the most effective call-to-action. Call on clients to click on links and install your application through download or engage in a festive day by using specific hashtags.

Monitor, Measure, and Adapt

Rely on TikTok’s Ad Management to monitor your ad’s performance and control your ad costs. Also, you ought to shuffle the elements of your ads every time the data shows you to do so and adjust your budget accordingly to keep up with your ad metrics.


There are still questions about specific circumstances or the technicalities of TikTok advertising placements. These are the most frequently asked questions that have been clarified.

Can I use text overlays on my TikTok ads?

Text overlays are a good method of enhancing your advertisement’s message, particularly if you’re targeting a demographic that might not have the sound. Simply warrant that your message is legible considering that it may be displayed in different quality and formats for video.

Do I have to use the music of TikTok or do I have the choice of using mine?

TikTok has a variety of music that is licensed and that you can include in your ads. The music on TikTok can provide your ad with a local appearance and is usually cost-effective because of existing license agreements.

Do I need to include my company’s name in the initial couple of seconds of the advertisement?

It’s not required however it could be advantageous to mark your material in the beginning to establish your identity and improve brand recognition.

Can I Use the Same Ad Creative Across Different Ad Formats?

Although it is possible to reuse ideas, it’s excellent to tailor the design to match each style. Topview Ads, for example, need a compelling visual opening, whereas In-Feed Ads must grab attention right from the start.

Are There Restrictions on the Content of TikTok Ads?

TikTok indeed provides strict rules on what is acceptable and not be used in ads. It is important to familiarize yourself with the policies for advertising on the platform and guidelines for community members to ensure that you don’t have any issues regarding your material.

Wrapping Up

Advertising on TikTok is an effective measure due to a multi-style ad format and the chance of taking multiple ads that can reach out to the different aspects of creativity. If you are aware of what these ad specifications are and apply good techniques in ad production, then you have a good chance to create TikTok ads that will keep users on the platform and make money for you.

Also, TikTok usually experiences continuous wideman behavior; therefore, don’t forget to monitor which way the target demographic is moving, and this will help you know how to correctly provide advertisements on that channel.

It might also be helpful if you were to present the brand. You could start with creating TikTok ads that are not only seen but loved. Have a delightful TikTok adventure!

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