What is A/B testing? Complete Beginner’s Guide

The thriving digital market is marked by many companies that compete with each other. The ones who want to move forward and be successful should constantly put their thoughts into optimizing and experimenting. The singular technology that can ensure you stand out from the rest of your competitors and attract your core audience is the A/B test. All aspects of A/B testing are examined in this extensive whitepaper, and the meaning of A/B testing, its significance, the techniques to generate test ideas, etc., constitute the major parts.

A/B Testing
A/B Testing

What is A/B Testing?

A/B Testing or split testing, which is a scientific method of investigation, is when two or more alternative versions of an application, web page, email, or other advertising material are designed, and the possible best-performing one is chosen without a millisecond of user-observed valuable time and the chosen variant is then made public to the users. Practicing this method separates your market into two groups and displays a different version of the material to both of them. Comparing the yield of each version will signify the most important areas of growth in terms of user engagement and conversions.

Components of A/B Testing:

  • Control (A): The original version of the asset.
  • Variant (B): The modified version of the asset.
  • Metrics: Click-through rates, conversion rates, and page time are examples of performance metrics.

Why Do You Need A/B Testing?

E-commerce entrepreneurs and digital marketers recognize A/B testing as a very important tool for many different reasons; so many people.

  • Data-Driven Decisions: You can trust yourself to gather knowledge from facts and not react to mere hearsay.
  • Improved User Experience: Through your audience feedback, you identify the format that bests them, which leads you to the creation of more engaging and user-friendly content.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: You can bring about significantly more transactions through small adjustments, which thus results in a greater number of sales and more revenue.
  • Optimization of Marketing Efforts: It is an indispensable resource for tuning production drives to make the best use of your resources.

How to Run a Basic A/B Test in 7 Steps

Rather than being daunted, running an A/B test might seem like a manageable task to you if you get underway with these steps:

State Your Goal Clearly

The core of the A/B test depends mainly on your goal. Do you necessitate bumping up your email open rates? Is it the conversion rate that needs improvement on the website, or would you prefer a higher click-through rate on your landing page? Well-structured and uncluttered objectives will assist you in crafting a testing roadmap and seeing its results.


  • Make sure the target is concrete and measurable.
  • Align your objective with your marketing strategy.

Take one thing and test it.

Develop your actions and results quickly by concentrating on each variable at a given time. Take the following example: the subject line of an email, the color of a CTA, or the layout of a landing page. By choosing one isolated element, it is guaranteed that you can measure its direct impact on your performance metrics.

Best Practices:

  • Make sure there is a direct correlation between the variable you select and the goal you have.
  • Only test various variables at a time, which may lead to a misinterpretation of the results.

Create Two Versions

There should be the same content in two forms, one representing a variable you are testing, while another one, in turn, shows the other variable in testing. Suppose you conduct a test on the subject lines of two email letters; the letters would be identical in every aspect except for the titles of the letters. The letters can be presented as A (the control) and B (the variant).

How to Do:

  • Version A (Control): The unaltered text with the content.
  • Version B (Variant): The revised article with the tested factor included.

Split Your Audience

First, randomly divide your audience into two equally sized groups. One group will see Version A, and the other will see Version B. This randomization ensures that the differences in performance are indeed due to the factor you are testing, not any other factors.

How to Do:

  • Use A/B testing tools or software that can randomly split your audience.
  • Be careful to ensure that both groups are statistically similar to avoid test invalidity.

Run the Test

Check the specifications and decide the amount of time the test has to run on which platform you intend to test the content so that statistically significant data can be collected. Make sure the sample size is big so the results you get are statistically significant.


  • Please continue the test early because one version might win, or you are close.
  • Pay attention to the test’s smooth operation. At the same time, you must stick to the plan and not change it in the middle of it.

Analyze the Results

When the test is finished, test the results to know which variation worked better. Analyze the main indicators relevant to your KPIs, e.g., click-through rates, conversion rates, and customer engagement.

Best Practices:

  • You stick with statistical analysis to affirm the significance of your accomplished results.
  • Think of the outside aspects that could have resulted in this, like the demand changing and competitive stocks.

Implement the Best Version

Once you have identified the winning version, ensure that it is implemented in your marketing strategy on all possible fronts. Employ the insights you got from the test to improve the efficiency of your future decisions and your content.

How to Do:

  • After designing the victorious version, launch it to the mass audience.
  • Then, collect your research material and adapt it to your existing approach to continuously improve the project.

Major Hurdles of Conducting A/B Tests

While A/B testing is a powerful tool, they are also very challenging:

  • Sample Size: Having a large enough sample size to make their results statistically significant can be quite tricky, particularly for smaller businesses.
  • Time-consuming: Carrying out multiple tests can take a long time, and you need to be patient. Also, continuous control is required.
  • Technical Constraints: Building A/B tests can involve some level of technical expertise, which may only be available in some organizations.
  • False Positives/Negatives: Incorrectly interpreting findings will encourage wrong decisions. It is indispensable to ensure that one possesses good statistical acumen.

Best A/B Testing Tools for 2024


Over the years, Unbounce has gained widespread popularity as a robust tool for web designers without coding skills. Still, the A/B testing feature that gets the most hits, mainly from digital marketers, makes it their top choice, as this is interesting.

Key Benefits

  • Ease of Use: Their user-friendly platform eliminates the need for coding skills and makes it very easy for digital marketers to create and change landing pages.
  • Customization: The platform enables you to have a wide range of formats that give you the option of changing every element of your webpage.
  • Analytics and Reporting: The app is also equipped with data-driven decision-making, detailed analytics, and reporting that will help you better understand your tests and make good data-based choices.


VWO is a complete conversion optimization toolkit that covers A/B testing, multivariate testing, and split URL testing.

Major Pros

  • Comprehensive Platform: VWO is not stuck on a single heat map measurement but is additionally enabled with session recordings and user feedback tools.
  • Advanced Targeting: You can utilize VWO to conduct segmentations. With these groups, implementing personalized tests would be more convenient.
  • Integrations: VWO interoperates seamlessly with third-party platforms like Google Analytics, HubSpot, and Marketo, to name a few, making its inclusion in your existing workflow smoother.


Hotjar’s primary features—heatmaps and session recordings that analyze user behavior—have made it a well-known name. It also provides reliable and extensive A/B testing.

Key Benefits

  • User Insights: Hotjar’s heatmaps and session recordings give you a direct look at how users interact with your site. Therefore, it becomes simpler to identify areas for improvement.
  • Surveys and Feedback: Conducting surveys and polls can help you collect precise feedback from users, which can help you understand their needs and wishes.
  • Ease of Implementation: Hotjar is also practical to install and use, so testers can move to test without a steep curve.


Omniconvert has an emotional intelligence boost tool that provides A/B testing, personalization, and surveys on an all-in-one platform.

Key Benefits

  • Personalization: Omniconvert allows you to create unique experiences for various user segments, which will make your tests more effective.
  • Survey Integration: In that case, surveys can be complemented; you can easily integrate them to gather qualitative data in addition to the quantitative test results.
  • Real-Time Reporting: Be updated and get real-time insights into the performance of your testing!

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is distinguished from competitors around the world by a portfolio that includes heatmaps, scroll maps, confetti reports, and A/B testing. This way of seeing data creates understanding naturally; thus, marketers can figure out what users are doing.

Main Advantages

  • Visual Representation: Crazy Egg may have succeeded in enhancing data visualization. This report, with its well-structured graphics, illustrates the nature of the customer’s activity.
  • Confetti Count: These are breakdowns of confetti pages, counting clicks, referrals, and search terms for the content.
  • User-Friendliness: It is easy to use the tool for every professional marketer, whether you are a beginner or an expert.

Eliminate the Following Errors While A/B Testing

If you want to squeeze the most juice out of your A/B testing pursuits, avoid these traps:

  • Testing Too Many Variables at Once: It is easier to understand and identify the issue when one variable is used per test instead of all at once.
  • Ending Tests Too Early: Concentrate so much on it that you forget to test your idea.
  • Ignoring External Factors: Be aware of environmental effects, such as the weather or advertising, that may influence your findings.
  • Not Segmenting Your Audience: The same content resonates effectively with different segments of the audience. You should define the target group for each test to demonstrate the precision of the process.


What is the sample size needed for A/B testing?

The sample size needed is determined through traffic and the expected effect size. Online calculators are available to specify the required sample sizes that ensure statistical meaning.

How long does an A/B test have to run?

An A/B test will be performed for enough time to generate statistically significant results about your traffic and conversion rates that are distinct from yours. At least two weeks is usually the shortest period to gain the results.


For any digital marketer or e-commerce entrepreneur striving to level up their strategies and produce better results, A/B testing is a valuable tool that enables users to do so. Learning the essentials, adhering to top rules, and staying away from the clichés of the method are the keys to successful use of A/B testing. With it, you can make decisions based on actual customer behaviors and thus improve user experience and conversions.

Are you all set to climb a bit higher on the digital marketing ladder? Get started with A/B testing today and watch the magic unfold.

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