Instagram Ad Size: The Complete Guide for 2024

Digital advertising is no longer a battlefield where bigger is better – it’s a symphony where harmony is key. This is why ad size matters. Amongst the pillars of digital advertising Instagram provides an area that is fragile enough to accommodate for both content and format alignment. 
This manual was designed with social media managers and digital marketers in mind who want to hit the right note in their advertising scores on Instagram. It will tell you everything about different ad sizes on Instagram from regular posts all through carousels up to stories bringing out the best of the specifications for ads introduced in 2024 so far. If you are looking forward to mastering choreography when it comes to insta-ads then here is your chance!

Instagram Ad Size
Instagram Ad Size

Instagram Ad Size Guidelines for 2024

Here’s all you need to know about the appropriate measurements for different kinds of Instagram ads. Always remember that the success of an ad largely depends on how it can blend with the platform.

Instagram Video Ads

The attention of social media users is being captured within the shortest time possible courtesy of Instagram video ads. These types of ads enable you to deliver your message using strong visuals coupled with engaging narratives. But then what are the dimensions for Instagram video ads?

Standard Instagram Video Ad Specs

  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: Between 1.91:1 and 4:5
  • Maximum File Size: 30MB
  • Maximum Length: 120 seconds
  • Frame Rate: 30fps
  • Video Codec: H.264 (.mp4)
  • Audio Codec: AAC, 48kHz, 192kbps minimum

IGTV Video Ad Specs

  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Minimum Length: 1 minute
  • Maximum Length: 15 minutes (mobile users); 60 minutes (web users)
  • File Type: .mp4
  • Frame Rate: 30fps
  • Bitrate: 3,500 kbps for 1080p

Adherence to technical specifications alone may not have much impact unless it is also accompanied by an in-depth understanding of your audience. So keep your visuals clean and clear–and don’t forget to be precise with your message too. If there’s sound involved, see to it that this contributes value to the whole experience.

Instagram Image Ads

Instagram was born from a need to have an easy and fun photo-sharing platform which is why most brands use image ads. What are the best dimensions for images in 2024 so they get noticed?

Single Image Ad Specs

  • Resolution: 1080×1080 pixels (Square), 1080×566 pixels (Landscape), 1080×1350 pixels (Vertical)
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (Square), 1.91:1 (Landscape), 4:5 (Vertical)
  • File Type: .jpg or .png
  • Maximum File Size: 30MB
  • Text: Text overlay should not cover more than 20% of the image

Instagram Profile Photo Ad Specs

  • Resolution: 110×110 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1
  • File Type: .jpg or .png
  • Maximum File Size: 4MB

In the process of creating a perfect image advertisement the storytelling aspect and your branding are vital. Each picture must convey your company’s brand and convey a message. A consistent approach to advertising helps build trust and brand recognition among customers.

Instagram Carousel Ads

If one video or image could tell a part of the tale, with a Carousel advertisement will complete the story. Instagram Carousel Ads permit diverse swipes of cards each one highlighting a distinct feature of your service or product. However, how can you warrant the integrity of each card? sound?

Carousel Ad Specs

  • Minimum Cards: 2
  • Maximum Cards: 10
  • Resolution: 1080×1080 pixels (Square), 1080×566 pixels (Landscape), 1080×1350 pixels (Vertical)
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (Square), 1.91:1 (Landscape), 4:5 (Vertical)
  • File Type: .jpg or .png for images; .mp4 for videos
  • Maximum File Size: 30MB

Have an interesting opening that attracts attention right away. Every postcard should be able to stand alone yet fit in with the rest of the series. Tell people what to do – not everyone who reads them will know this. Use calls to action like ‘Buy now’, ‘Find out more’, or ‘Be inspired’.

Instagram Slideshow Ads

Moving with a series of still photos, Slideshow Ads are available on Instagram and are a great alternative to the traditional video. How do you ensure that your slides are entertaining?

Slideshow Ad Specs

  • Minimum Images: 3
  • Maximum Images: 10
  • Audio: Recommended for best performance
  • Resolution: 1080×1080 pixels (Square), 1080×566 pixels (Landscape), 1080×1350 pixels (Vertical)
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (Square), 1.91:1 (Landscape), 4:5 (Vertical)
  • File Type: .mp4

Make sure there’s the same visual language across all images. Transitions between the slides must be natural, whether an easy fade or a sweeping swipe. Utilize the main theme of your company to direct the pace and slideshow transitions.

Instagram Explore Ads

The Instagram Explore page is growing and allowing users new ways to find material. What are the ad specifications you should be aware of when it comes to Explore advertisements?

Explore Ad Specs

  • In Beta Testing, specifications aren’t yet made available
  • Expected to incorporate similar specifications as feed ads

Even though Explore ads are not new, they offer an opportunity for brands to reach out to their audiences in a more natural and approachable way. Explore material that is compatible with the user’s behavior through Explore. This includes material that is based on user behavior Explore page, including excellent, inspirational, and often specialized posts.

Instagram Shopping Ads

Instagram Shopping Ads are now among the most crucial tools for online retailers because of the growing popularity of social shopping. How can you warrant that your Shopping Ads are as attractive as they are useful?

Shopping Ad Specs

  • Requires businesses to be registered on an Instagram Business Account and be able to sell their products on this platform.
  • Tags for products may be included in photos or video advertisements on the Instagram feed Stories, Explore, and feeds.
  • All tags should be completed in the Instagram application, which has specific guidelines for images of products as well as tags.

Use images that appeal to your client’s aesthetic sensibilities and include tags that emphasize key features of your product and advantages. Shopping ads aren’t only about showcasing your product but also how it is integrated into the lives of your customers.

Instagram Reels Ads

The introduction of Instagram Reels Ads to the advertising possibilities that Instagram Reels offer. What are the sizes of ads that you must keep in mind in 2024 for Reels for 2024?

Reels Ad Specs

  • Resolution: 1080×1080 pixels (Square), 1080×566 pixels (Landscape), 1080×1350 pixels (Vertical)
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (Square), 1.91:1 (Landscape), 4:5 (Vertical)
  • File Type: .mp4
  • Maximum File Size: 30MB
  • Minimum Length: 15 seconds
  • Maximum Length: 30 seconds

As with the reel material, Reel ads should be engaging, innovative, and integrated into the flow and natural style of created by users material. Utilize the sense of humor, authenticity, and cultural relevance that is a hit with the reel audience to be noticed.

Instagram Collection Ads

A format that is visually engaging and highlights your product by utilizing numerous pictures and videos. How do you ensure that your Collection ads immerse viewers in the story of your brand or product?

Collection Ad Specs

  • Resolution: 1080×1080 pixels (Square), 1080×566 pixels (Landscape), 1080×1350 pixels (Vertical)
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (Square), 1.91:1 (Landscape), 4:5 (Vertical)
  • File Type: .jpg or .png for images; .mp4 for videos
  • Maximum File Size: 30MB
  • Minimum Images: 3
  • Maximum Images: 10

Be in tune with the goals of the consumer by creating an experience that is unique whether it’s a new product line, seasonal campaign, or even an overview of the brand. Each sequence must convey a consistent story that takes the viewer through the process of discovery, desire, and eventually, the call to action.

Instagram Stories Video Ads

Instagram Stories ads offer a full-screen experience that is both captivating and fleeting. In 2024, how do you warrant that your Video Story ads make maximum impact?

Stories Video Ad Specs

  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Maximum File Size: 4GB
  • Maximum Length: 15 seconds
  • Frame Rate: 30fps
  • Video Codec: H.264 (.mp4)
  • Audio Codec: AAC, 48kHz, 192kbps at a minimum

Utilize the vertical space to make material that is a natural fit for Stories. Stories format. Vertical video should appear natural, so don’t shrink your content to make it fit. Instead, frame your story in a manner that feels adapted to the particular space.

Instagram Stories Image Ads

The static, but effective, image ads in Stories can present a picture that is a hit with users in a short time. What specs for your images must you ensure that you meet for the greatest Stories impact?

Stories Image Ad Specs

  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Maximum File Size: 30MB

Take a photo that sums up your story. Don’t be afraid to start by sharing your perfect picture. As with Snapchat’s nature of being ephemeral stories are only available for 24 hours. Therefore, timing is crucial.

Tips for Ad Design and Optimization

Instagram Ads
Instagram Ads

Pixel perfect is not just a phrase but a yardstick for Instagram ad aesthetics growing up. Below are guides to help your ad become a visual masterpiece:

Image Quality Is Non-Negotiable

In a world where greatness is measured in double taps, the demand for quality is high. Blurry or pixelated images have no place on the Instagram grid. Ensure your images or videos are clean, clear, and attractive.

Conform to the Platform’s Aesthetic

Your ad should blend with the users’ feeds on the platform without being conspicuous. This implies that it should be done in the same style, color scheme, and tone of voice as you would use for regular non-promotional content.

Mobile-First Mindset

Instagram is designed for mobile users, therefore it only makes sense if your ad is too. The majority of people use mobile devices to access this platform so having a mobile-optimized ad design (both visuals and texts) is inevitable if you ever wish that they appear as intended.

Clear Call-to-Action

Be brief and specific about what you want the user to do next with your CTA. The CTA guides engagement flow and hence must be persuasive whether it is “Shop Now”, “Learn More” or even “Sign Up”.

A/B Testing Variables

A/B testing is the best way to approach design and optimization because these are iterative processes. Find out which image options work best alongside CTA texts and color schemes by trying different combinations.

Consistency Is Key

All your Instagram ads should share a common look and message scheme. A person is likely to interact more with your material if they know and have faith in your brand.

Final Thoughts

Instagram’s advertising strategy is constantly changing, just like the platform itself. Keep in mind that when it comes to Instagram, the perfect size for an ad is only the start of a campaign that truly connects with people. Change your Instagram adverts into interesting content that not only convinces but also enhances the experience of using Instagram for your clients. So start designing now – your fans are waiting for something that will blow them away!

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