How to Use Facebook Ads Manager: Beginner’s Guide

Do you desire to get the most from your Facebook Ads? You should try out Facebook Ads Manager. It’s essential to understand the basics we’ll cover in this article to maximize this tool for your benefit. Make use of Facebook Ads Manager to reach your audience effectively. It is important to prepare to take your advertisement to another level on Facebook by encountering many advantages together with using what Facebook Ad Manager offers.

Facebook Ads Manager
Facebook Ads Manager

Key Features of Facebook Ads Manager

Ads Manager by FB is a good method for coming up with, running, and assessing advert promotions on the platform. Here are the main features of this tool:

Campaign Objectives

Facebook Ads Manager offers different campaign objectives that you can choose from such as brand awareness, reach, engagement, app installs, video views, lead generation messages, and conversions; catalog sales, and store traffic drive visits among others.

Audience Targeting

One can adjust their promotion to suit an exact crowd through demographics, interest, behavior analysis, and so forth. Facebook provides several methods to ensure that your ads are seen by the right individuals.

Ad Formats

To make advertisements using Facebook Ads Manager, you have the freedom to come up with them in different ways such as image ads, videos, carousel ads, slide show ads, and collections among others. Each format comes with its unique features as well as advantages.

Budgeting and Scheduling

You can set up how much you want to spend on advertising and pick out the dates that it should run on. With the Facebook Ads Manager, that lifetime or daily budget option is available while selecting the start and end date for your ads.

Ad Placement

Facebook allows ad placements in several places such as Facebook feeds, Instagram feeds, Audience Network Messenger, in-stream videos, and other options. In Ads Manager you can choose these placements for your campaign specifically.

Creative Hub

This tool allows you to test different ad formats. It generates ideas and displays ad mocks before you run them – great for creative testing and optimization.

Customizable Reporting

For detailed information and performance metrics of your ads, Facebook Ads Manager is a great tool. You can customize the reports to track key metrics that are important to you like several impressions, clicks, reach, or even conversions among others.

Conversion Tracking

To keep an eye on what people do after clicking your ads, you can set up conversion tracking. This way you’ll know if your ad is working and how you can improve things.

Split Testing

This feature enables users to design numerous ads with different variations in components like the audience, and location creativity using A/B testing. Also called. This lets you determine the most effective elements for your ads.

Dynamic Creative

When you use dynamic creative, you can create multiple ad variations in just one ad set. What happens is Facebook that serves the best creative combination regarding people’s tastes and ensures you get more returns on the ad.

Setting Up Your Facebook Ads Manager Account

Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads

The process of setting up an account on Facebook Ads Manager account involves many steps. Below is a step-by-step guide to benefit you along the way:

Step 1: Accessing Ads Manager

  • Log in: Visit Facebook and sign into the account.
  • Access Ads Manager: Select the link that is quick to Ads Manager on the menu left. If you don’t find this, then you’ll be able to open it by clicking” See More”, then selecting the “See More” feature, and then clicking “Ads Manager”.

Step 2: Setting Up Ads Manager Account

If you’re not yet able to create an ad account you’ll be asked to complete the process. Go to “Create Ad Account” and follow the on-screen directions. If already registered for an existing ad account then skip to the following step.

Step 3: Configuring Ad Account Settings

  • Business Settings Business Settings: Click on” Business Settings” or the “Business Settings” opportunity in the dropdown menu to set up the settings of your ad account.
  • Add People: If you create an ad account for a company, there is a possibility of adding more people so that they can help in running the account. Each person can be assigned a role and rights.

Step 4: Addition Of Payment Method

Choose a payment method in the section named ‘Payment Settings’ to be used in your account. You can add a credit card, debit card, PayPal, or any other available payment option.

Step 5: Making Your First Ad Campaign

Start creating your initial ad campaign by clicking on the ‘Create Campaign ‘Create’ button. After that, you’ll have to select the campaign objective that may be reached, brand awareness, or conversions among others such as traffic, etc.

Step 6: Making Ad Sets And Ads

  • Setting up Adsets: After choosing the objective of your campaign, move on to making ad sets where you will define who your target audience is, where they are located (geography), funds allocation, time when ads are shown, and ad placements.
  • Ad Creation: This is where you make ads within each set of advertisements by adding images or videos alongside text with links attached.  You will also have the choice of different ad formats like single-image slideshow carousels and so on.

Step 7: Review And Launch

  • Reviewing The Campaign: Before you start your advertising campaign go back over all settings one more time just to make sure everything is organized as per your wish.
  • Starting The Campaign: If everything is okay then click the “Confirm” button which signifies that now it is time to launch this great marketing effort into action.

Creating Your First Facebook Ads Campaign


If you have successfully set up a Facebook Ads Manager account, now it’s time to create your first campaign. Start reaching your message to the most relevant people.

Follow these steps to make a successful Facebook ads campaign:

Step 1: Create a Campaign and Choose a Campaign Objective

To get started with launching a campaign, go to Facebook Manager’s Ads section and navigate to the Campaign tab. You can find this at the top of the page or below it by clicking on either “+ Create ad” or the green “+ Create” located under the Campaigns tab

Then you’ll be asked what your marketing goal for the campaign is. Choose among a few options such as brand awareness, engagement etcetera that aligns best with what you want most out of it according to company objectives

Step 2: Create a New Ad Set

Once you have decided on the objective of the campaign, the next step is to create an entirely new ad set. Go to the Ad Sets tab and click on ‘Create’, then ‘Use existing Campaign’ and select the right campaign name before naming your ad set. Keep moving forward.

Step 3: Set a Budget & Schedule

Decide between setting a daily budget and a lifetime budget. A daily budget gives Facebook the authority to spend no more than a specific amount per day, whereas an annual budget represents the total sum that Facebook will invest in an ad campaign over its lifespan. It is suggested to start with a small budget so that you may let Facebook learn about your target audience and improve your ads.

Step 4: Choose Your Audience

To establish a successful Facebook ad, the most important thing is to make sure the audience is right. You should consider the location, gender, and age among others as these are some of the options Facebook provides for targeting.

You must specify who your target market is so that with an ad they can get to see it. Factors such as age brackets or even genders may be put into consideration here alongside what these kinds of people like which may also be looked at in terms of who mostly buys from us if we were them.

Step 5: Choose Where to Run the Ads

Now you need to decide where your ads will show on Facebook. Facebook offers automatic placement options that will optimize your ads for the best results. Or if you’d prefer more control over them, you can choose the specific placements yourself.

There are various options available so take a good look at each one. For example, there’s The Facebook News feed, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network. They all have their advantages so make sure you pick ones that align with what you want to achieve through your advertising campaign.

Step 6: Choose Your Ad Format

Facebook provides a variety of advertisements. Carousel, image, video, and collection ads are available. Choose the one that fits your campaign goals and captivates your target group best.

Step 7: Choose an Image and Add Your Copy

At this point, you should be inserting the text and visual components in your ads. Use the “Add Media” drop-down to upload pictures or videos.

Write an eye-catching headline that shows the value of your product and has a strong call to action (CTA) that will lead users on. Pay attention to the headlines, descriptions, web URLs, and display paths so they reflect your business goals or campaign accurately.

Step 8: Place the Order for Your Ad

Once done with creative and about to place an order for advertising ensure that your ads are in place. After clicking the “Publish” button make sure you choose the “Facebook Pixel choice to enable monitoring and optimizing. Please be patient while Facebook reviews your ad before it goes live.

Step 9: Monitor Facebook Ads Campaign Performance

Your live ads ne­ed regular checks. Face­book Ads give you data and reports. Watch key numbe­rs. Use the info to upgrade campaigns. Test and change­ ads for success.


How do I bulk update URL parame­ters in Facebook Ads Manager?

Changing URL parame­ters for numerous ads is simple. Acce­ss Ads Manager and choose the campaigns, ad se­ts, or individual ads needing updates. Click “Edit,” the­n “Bulk Changes.” Modify the URL paramete­rs per your requireme­nts.

How to report on ad performance with Face­book Ads Manager?

Analyzing ad performance is straightforward. Navigate­ to Ads Manager and select the­ campaigns, ad sets, or ads you want data for. Click “Customize Columns” and choose the­ desired metrics. Confirm your se­lection to generate­ the report.

Wrapping Up

Facebook Ads Manage­r is a tool that can help your online marke­ting. Remembe­r – clear objectives are important. Ne­ed to target the right audience­. Ads must be compelling. Results tracking is crucial for the succe­ss of Facebook marketing initiatives. With prope­r strategy and ongoing optimization, you can get the best re­turn on investment through Facebook Ads Manage­r. Achieve business goals e­ffectively using this powerful platform.

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