LinkedIn Ad Specs: The Ultimate Guide for 2024

For those of you who are small business owners or marketers seeking to take advantage of this large community for advertising, it is important to understand the details of LinkedIn ad sizes and formats. The optimal ad specifications could be the difference between a campaign that speaks to your target audience or one that gets lost among everything else. In this all-inclusive guide, we will cover all the knowledge necessary on advertisement requirements from image dimensions up to text lengths for each available format on Linked In.

LinkedIn Ad Specs
LinkedIn Ad Specs

LinkedIn Single Image Ads

The first step on our LinkedIn ads tour is single-image ads. These ads are a basic but effective method of promoting your company’s products, services, or brand. The goal of these ads is to grab your viewers’ attention by together the images and to pass on the message as fast as you can.

If you’d like to make your image stand out, make sure to adhere to these specifications for advertising:

  • Image Size: The recommended sizes for single images used in ads are 1200x 627 pixels. However they must be at least 780x 400 pixels. Do not forget that the maximum file size is 10MB.
  • File Type: PNG as well as JPEG are the most popular file types.
  • Text: Text for images should never exceed 20% of the image space. Use concise and compelling copy that works well with your images.
  • Headline: The headline can contain up to 150 characters.
  • Description: Descriptions should not be more than 255 characters long, which means that they should be engaging without being too lengthy.

Following these tips, your single-image advertisement will display its perfect thus attracting your viewers efficaciously.

LinkedIn Carousel Image Ads

By using carousel image ads, you can tell a story through images, showcase your products, and highlight different features. You can upload a maximum of 10 custom images each of which should have a unique URL to provide a personalized user experience.

To get the most out of carousel image ads you should adhere to these ad specifications:

  • Image Size: To get the best results, keep your photos at 1080×1080 pixels. Keep the file size to a minimum of 600 pixels, but do not exceed 10MB.
  • File Type: PNG or JPEG works well.
  •  Image Ratio: Maintain an aspect ratio of 1:1
  • Text: Each picture may contain its title and description with a maximum of fifty characters for the header and two hundred fifty-five for its metadata.
  • Call-to-Action Button: Choose from different CTAs available and make sure they are relevant to the content of each image in the carousel.

LinkedIn Video Ads

Using video ads on LinkedIn is a good way to reach your audience. Video ads are an effective way of telling stories when a client shares with you a testimonial about their experience working with your product, you create an ad showing them using the same service at different stages and locations, or giving an exclusive tour around your firm.

Here’s what you need to be aware of LinkedIn video ads:

  • Time: The length of the video varies between 3 seconds to 30 minutes. To get the perfect results, make sure you have the video advertisement to take 15 minutes to 30 seconds of playing time.
  • Format: Videos with a resolution of 720p may have a maximum file size of 200MB, whereas the 1080p resolution should be no larger than 500.
  • Orientation: You can upload videos either in landscape or portrait also, however, LinkedIn suggests using vertical videos, especially when the majority of people are viewing the video on mobile phones.
  • Aspect Ratio: Traditional YouTube advertisements must be 16:9 in aspect and the vertical ones should have 9:16 to be able to cover the full screen, without black borders visible around the edges. Square-shaped videos need an aspect ratio of 1:1.
  • Frame Ratio: Ensure that you have at least 30 frames per second (fps). It is the standard requirement for a professional video ad on the LinkedIn platform.
  • Text: Its headline can be limited by an upper maximum of 150 characters, and the description may only be 255 words in length, even though these limitations aren’t particular to this type of advertisement.

Following this information will help you create videos that speak better to your professional audience because they are within their expectations for optimization.

LinkedIn Message Ads

Person-to-person communication message notices, all the more ordinarily known as supported InMail, offer the capacity to send customized messages straightforwardly to the inboxes of different individuals. You can zero in on the perfect crowd by utilizing customization choices and guarantee that your message isn’t just conveyed, but seen too.

Follow these prerequisites for making cleaned message ads:

  • Message Length: The message ought to be under 1,500 characters long to prevent your audience from looking over past it.
  • Image Size:  Incorporate an image with your message. It is recommended to have a 1:1 viewpoint proportion just as a size of 300 x 250 pixels. The record size ought to be under 200 KB.
  • File Type: For your picture, you can browse PNG or JPEG.
  • Headline: Make a brief and appealing feature with a limit of 45 characters.
  • Call-to-Action Button: Keep it under twenty characters in length; remember to add a significant CTA as you would in different kinds of advertisements.

Engage your audience without overpowering them with a personalized, non-intrusive message.

LinkedIn Follower Ads

LinkedIn followers ads benefit by raising the number of page followers for your business by advertising the LinkedIn profile to your specific group of people. Build an online community for your brand name and increase the exposure of your company’s brand.

To get an excellent outcome when using follower ads, make sure you follow these guidelines:

  • Image Size: Recommended image size for images is 300 x 250 pixels with a maximum size of 2MB.
  • Data Type: Make use of PNG as well as JPEG format for your image.
  • Description: Descriptions can run between between 70 and 150 characters.
  • Call-to-Action Button: Select a CTA that aligns with your goals and content and limit it to a maximum of 30 characters.
  • Headline: Make a headline that can be up to 70 characters.

LinkedIn Spotlight Ads

LinkedIn spotlight ads are a form of content on the LinkedIn platform. Their purpose is to bring visibility to the LinkedIn platform. You can use them to communicate important information about your company, new product launches, and interesting content.

Remembering certain specifications is necessary for making your spotlight advertisement great.

  • Image Size: Your main image for your spotlight advertisement should be at least 1000 562 pixels in size and should not exceed 2MB in size. Additionally, you may include additional images that are suggested to be 600 by 600 pixels.
  • Format: Use either PNG or JPEG to get more effective outcome.
  • Text: You need to have headlines between 70-150 characters, while descriptions must not exceed 140 characters.
  • Call-to-Action Button: The maximum amount of characters you can use to be used in your CTA should not exceed 20 characters. So, choose a welcoming message that encourages people to click on the button, for example, “Learn More”

According to these guidelines, plan and design engaging spotlight ads.

LinkedIn Dynamic Ads

Every person seeing dynamic adverts on LinkedIn is catered for. This can be done for anything from increasing web traffic or event signups among other things since they help you establish deeper connections with your audience.

To create dynamic advertisements successfully, you need to follow these ad specs:

  • Profile Image:  A company logo sized 100 x 100 pixels and saved in PNG, GIF or JPG format. The size of your picture should not exceed 2 MB.
  • Main Image:  An arresting 100×100 pixel PNG, GIF, or JPG format.
  • File Type: The primary images should be in PNG, JPEG, or GIF format with a URL for saving when users click on the advertisement.
  • Call-to-Action Button: Choose from among any currently available CTA buttons while keeping their wording limited to no more than 20 characters at most each time.

Dynamic advertising allows personalized experiences at scale, therefore any customized elements included must align seamlessly within the flow of an advertisement.

LinkedIn Text Ads

LinkedIn text ads can promote content, generate leads, or drive website traffic effectively and simply. These appear in a prominent position on the LinkedIn site or app.

When creating text ads for LinkedIn, take note of the ad specs below:

  • Headline: Up to 25 characters in length, it should be brief and eye-catching.
  • Description: The longest allowable description is 75 characters.
  • Image: Although not obligatory, attaching an image to your ad can help it stand out. The recommended image size is 100 x 100 pixels.
  • Call-to-Action Button: Your ad objective should align with a CTA that has no more than 20 characters.

Text advertisements are a brief way of getting your audience’s attention with relevant content. All characters should matter.

LinkedIn Sponsored Content

It is possible to use sponsored LinkedIn content to make your company’s updates known, share blog posts, and produce leads. When the ads are created, they should be able to merge with the LinkedIn feed where members of the public who are the target see them.

For effective sponsored content, follow these ad specs:

  • Image Size: Your images must always remain at 1200 x 627 pixels along with a file size of not more than 5 MB.
  • File Type: Sponsored content images should always be in PNG, JPEG, or GIF format.
  • Headline: The maximum number of characters for the headline is 70.
  • Description: A description having 100 to 200 characters can provide more details.
  • Call-to-Action Button: Choose a Call To Action (CTA) that resonates with your ad content and it should not exceed 18 characters long.

The advantage of using sponsored content is that it enables you to connect with your professional audience using valuable information that appears on their feed naturally. 

LinkedIn Job Ads

LinkedIn has job ads for you to directly promote your job opening to the network’s active job seekers. These ads increase applications and fill hard-to-fill roles.

Take note of the following specifications to optimize your job ads;

  • Job Title: Your job title should not exceed 100 characters.
  • Image Size: To create more interaction, use an image. The recommended size is 1000 x 1200 pixels while any 4:5 aspect ratio will do.
  • File Type: Save your image as a PNG, JPEG, or GIF file.
  • Job Description: Your job description can be up to 250 characters. However, the ad content section can include a more comprehensive one.
  • Application Information: Include the process of application with a maximum of three application URLs.


Understanding the specifications of different formats for LinkedIn ads can be hard, but when you do this, your marketing efforts will yield fruit. Your advertisements are going to appear professional, work at their best, and most importantly connect with the right people on LinkedIn. 

Keep in mind that effective advertising on LinkedIn is a combination of both science and art. By taking the right approach as well as being open-minded enough to make changes where necessary; one can establish a presence on LinkedIn that speaks volumes to his/her desired audience of professionals.

Are you set for a higher gear with your LinkedIn ad campaigns?

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