The Complete Guide to LinkedIn Document Ads

In the densely populated world of digital marketing, staying ahead in the game demands a continuous grasp of the latest and most effective advertising strategies. Among the slew of advertising options LinkedIn offers, Document Ads is a feature often underutilized but brimming with potential.
In this profound guide, we’ll unravel the intricacies of Document Ads on LinkedIn. By the end of this comprehensive read, you’ll be well-armed to introduce or revamp your LinkedIn Document Ads strategy and watch your professional networking results materialize into tangible ROI.

LinkedIn Document Ads
LinkedIn Document Ads

What Are LinkedIn Document Ads?

LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ads is also known as LinkedIn Document Ads; it is a unique format for sharing detailed and informative content directly in the LinkedIn news feed. This kind of ad stands out because it enables you to advertise your company’s whitepapers, ebooks, infographics, and case studies among others.

If you use this ad type you can do content marketing on LinkedIn which will allow you to reach a professional audience that needs business-related materials in the right context and format.

These types of ads enable one to tell more detailed stories while directing them to where they can be found which is on your website through establishing thought leadership among others. 

Document LinkedIn Ads

There are several key benefits to using LinkedIn’s Document Ads format:

  • Quality lead generation: Downloading the content means that the user has to provide their details, which generates more high-quality leads.
  • More interaction: Documents can be placed directly into someone’s newsfeed so they do not need to leave the platform to read them.
  • Establishing authority: Sharing comprehensive materials may help position your company as a leader within its field.
  • Specificity in target groups: You can narrow down who sees what according to profession using LinkedIn’s extensive demographic options thereby ensuring relevance among viewership.

LinkedIn Doc Ads: Specs

LinkedIn Ads
LinkedIn Ads

If you want to create your very first LinkedIn Document Ad, there’s one important thing to do – you need to get to know the specs so that your content looks awesome on this platform.

Here are the main specifications:

  • File Type: PDF
  • File Size: Max 200 MB
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9 or 1.91:1
  • Resolution: 1080×1080 pixels minimum
  • Pages: Minimum of 4 pages
  • Headline and Description: Must be included and will overlay on the document thumbnail
  • Intro Copy: A short introduction to your offer of up to 150 characters
  • Privacy Settings: Your document’s privacy settings must be set to public

How to Create Your LinkedIn Doc Ads Campaign

Making the LinkedIn Document Ads campaign is easy once you’ve got the basic information in the right place. This is a step-by-step procedure:

Create a powerful Content Piece

Your material should be informative, informative, and relevant to the needs of your intended audience. It’s a direct representation of your company’s expertise and experience and expertise, so ensure that it’s of high quality and in line with your material advertising strategy.

Select the Correct Format for Your Ad

Log into Your LinkedIn Campaign Manager and click “Create Campaign. Under the section ‘Ad Format select ‘Sponsored Content’ with Documents. Add your material and then click on a suitable CTA button.

Define Your Target Audience

Use LinkedIn’s targeting tools to reach out to your ideal audience. Select from jobs, positions company size industries, and much more. The more specific you are about your search, the greater the chance you stand of contacting leads who are qualified.

 Determine your Campaign Budget and Bidding Strategy

Determine what you want to spend on advertisements and how long the money will last by setting your budget for the campaign’s duration. Depending on your campaign goals, select either CPC or CPM bidding.

Craft Attention-Grabbing Ad Copy

Your copy for ads must be succinct and compelling and contain an easy call to action. You can highlight important elements of your material and provide what users will obtain from engaging in your ad.

Monitor and optimize

When your ad goes running, you should be sure to monitor its performance carefully. To boost the number of people who see your ad and convert it into sales try various audiences, creatives for ads as well as CTAs.

Best Practices for LinkedIn Document Ads

Understand Your Audience

The key to successful LinkedIn ad documents is understanding who your readers are. Their interests, hobbies, and other relevant information must be at the core of what you do since different approaches work better for various demographics.

Create Engaging Content

For your publication to be appealing, it must provide real value for the viewer. Also, informative educational materials need good design and should not be difficult to comprehend.

Optimize for Mobile

Always keep in mind most people access LinkedIn through their smartphones when designing any advertising material so ensure they look great on such devices as well as being easy to read on them too.

Use High-Quality Images

An attractive picture can mean all the difference between someone ignoring your promotional post or clicking on it; therefore always make sure that these pictures are not only high resolution but also directly related to whatever is being advertised.

Test Your Ad Copy

Develop variegated forms of your advertisement text and evaluate their efficacy. Ensure your text is lucid and motivates the audience to act.

Implement a Strong CTA

Your call-to-action should be noticeable as well as actionable if you want to meet your marketing objectives with ease therefore; always remember this when crafting one.

Leverage A/B Testing

You should be able to constantly improve your campaign results over time by identifying the most effective ad components through continuous testing and optimization hence the need for regular A/B tests.

Monitor and Adjust

Always keep an eye on how well different ads are doing so that if any one of them fails to perform expectedly then try something new immediately instead of waiting until things get worse before taking action.

Set Realistic Goals

Do not expect too much from adverts since this might lead to disappointment later on instead; base realistic targets around industry standards coupled with what has worked best for other similar promotions you have done in past times.

Follow Up

When a user interacts with your content, you should follow up by sending them a personalized email or contacting them through other means.

Metrics for gauging the performance of LinkedIn document adverts

Significantly, you measure the success of your Document Ads using these metrics:

  • Click-Through Ratio: It measures the proportion of people who clicked your ad after viewing it.
  • Conversion Ratio: The percentage of users who completed what they were looking for, such as download your file.
  • Cost per click: This model refers to the amount spent per click on an advertisement.
  • Cost per Conversion: It is the cost to acquire an individual customer and, in this instance, downloading each document is considered to be one conversion.
  • Return On Ad Spend: This metric assists in determining the amount of earnings are made for each dollar of advertising.

The Concern of LinkedIn Document Ads


While LinkedIn Document Ads come with several benefits, they also have their limitations. Thus, before you start your campaign you should be aware of the following:

  • Accumulation of CostsAds on LinkedIn can cost more as compared to other social media platforms. Have a definite budget and keep a close eye on your spending.
  • Platform Sophistication: For beginners, the Campaign Manager interface could be too much. Take your time to learn it or think about hiring someone who is experienced in advertising via LinkedIn.
  • Advertisement Approval Process: This may take longer than usual at LinkedIn. Make sure that you don’t violate any of their policies so that your ads are not delayed.
  • Competition: Ad costs tend to be high where there is a lot of competition on LinkedIn. Targeting specific audiences can help you avoid bidding for general keywords that are likely to attract numerous clicks.


What’s the contrast between LinkedIn Document Ads and regular Sponsored Content?

LinkedIn Document Ads are a kind of Sponsored Content. The main difference is that Document Ads allow you to offer downloadable content, while regular Sponsored Content is a piece of linked text or content that directs to a landing page.

How much do LinkedIn Document Ads cost?

Variations in the cost of Document Ads may arise due to the bidding model chosen, target audience, or ad quality. You’re able to set your bids for clicks or impressions just like in any other advertising platform since LinkedIn uses a similar bidding process with them all.

What are the usual conversion rates for LinkedIn Document Ads?

Conversion rates can widely vary based on industry and targeting. However, a well-optimized Document Ads campaign should achieve between 10% – 20% as a good benchmark.

Is there a cap on how many Document Ads I can run at once?

No there’s no limit to the number of Document Ads you can run at once should you choose to run multiple sets. However, we advise focusing more on quality than quantity and only managing what may be effectively analyzed and maintained.

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