LinkedIn Video Ads: The Complete Guide

Today, LinkedIn is not just a place to network; it has become a significant marketing and branding platform. Video ads are the strategies on LinkedIn that capture your attention. If you are a marketer or a small business owner who plans to use this medium, you are in a great position. This guide comprises everything you need to learn about LinkedIn video ads, from their advantages to creating effective campaigns, budgeting, best practices, and tips to increase ROI.

LinkedIn Video Ads
LinkedIn Video Ads

The Advantages of LinkedIn Video Ads

LinkedIn, which is the biggest professional network around the globe, has recently become a hot spot for video advertising. Therefore, why marketers and small business owners need to think about LinkedIn video ads?

Tailor-Made Audience

LinkedIn’s extensive targeting capabilities enable you to connect directly with decision-makers, industry professionals, and prospective customers. This also implies that your video stickers target the audience with the most possibilities to read your content.

Sky-High Rates of Engagement

Video is adorable content, and no one, including LinkedIn members, is an exception. On LinkedIn, videos generate five times more conversations than any other type of content. This means video ads can help you gain attention and increase your brand’s recognition.

Improved Analytics

LinkedIn gives video ad reports containing thorough analytical data that lets you check and optimize your campaigns’ performance. Detailed knowledge of how many views, clicks, and conversions you have allows you to make decisions based on data to enhance your marketing strategy.

How to Create Effective LinkedIn Video Ads

LinkedIn Ads
LinkedIn Ads

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Before you start editing your video ad, list the goals for the editing process. Are you trying to brainstorm new ideas for your brand, stimulate customer engagement, or make your website more popular? Depending on your purpose, you will decide on the type of video content, the communication style, and the call to action. Making clear, exact goals permits the team to guide the project correctly and yield better results.

Key Tips:

  • Remember to keep your video to the marketing strategy you set initially.
  • Clearly define the objectives as realistic, practical, achievable, relevant, and time-constrained.

Step 2: Know Your Audience

Grasping your customer’s wants and needs is crucial to producing material that hits home. Explain your customer persona, including their job titles, industry, hobbies, and pain points. LinkedIn targeting options let you target specific professional groups, so adjust your message to their needs and preferences.

Key Tips:

  • Make use of LinkedIn’s audience insights tools to learn about your audience.
  • Divide your audience into more specific groups to get personalized messages.

Step 3: Craft Compelling Content

The video ads bring the content to the forefront. Make sure to use both the product’s information and the emotion to hook your target customers. Any type, be it educational, motivational, or promotional, the content should be pertinent and solve your audience’s problems. By providing the video length of your video clips as 15 to 60 seconds, you can maintain the interest of your viewers.

Key Tips:

  • Initially, a strong hook can capture people’s attention.
  • Give captions for your video to make it more accessible to the viewers who often watch without sound.
  • Demonstrate the distinct personality traits of your brand, but remember to keep it professional.

Step 4: Include a Strong CTA

A persuasive call to action is the bait that lures the targeted audience into doing the exact action you want. Such action may include cupping your website, getting a specific resource, or subscribing to the newsletter. However, you must be clear and straight to the point when discussing your CTA. Let the CTA be relevant to the video’s goal.

Key Tips:

  • Include your CTA both in the video and the accompanying text.
  • Employ action-oriented language such as “Learn More” or “Get Started.”

Step 5: Optimize for Mobile

Mobile access has allowed many LinkedIn users to upload video ads. Therefore, it is inescapable that you optimize your video ads for a mobile environment. Ensure you design the videos to catch the user’s eye and be easy to catch even on smaller screens.

Key Tips:

  • Vertical or square video formats are best for mobile.
  • Keep text and graphics large enough for users to read on mobile devices easily.

Step 6: Test and Analyze

Your first step is to create a video ad execution plan. You can test video ad length, content, and calls to action (CTAs) to see which elements resonate best with your audience. Utilize LinkedIn’s great analytics instruments to receive performance reports and other valuable guidance regarding the effectiveness of your ad.

Key Tips:

  • A/B tests different versions of your video ad.
  • Adjust your strategy according to data-driven insights.

How Much Do LinkedIn Video Ads Cost in 2024?

The cost of LinkedIn video ads in 2024 can be very diverse depending on several factors, including the targeting options you chose, bid strategy, and the specific industry to be discussed. Nonetheless, here are some general hints:

Auction-Based Pricing

LinkedIn advertises its ads using an auction system. SPГKI suggests that the client offer to bid on ad placements by competing with other advertisers. The minimum CPC or CPM can change according to market demand.

Average Costs

  • CPC: A typical price close to $5 to $10.
  • CPM: It usually varies between $6 and $9.

Setting Your Budget

LinkedIn gives people the option to set daily or total limits for their campaigns, ensuring the level of control they have over their spending. It is better to have a small budget first and expand it if they get devoted wins.

LinkedIn Video Ads Best Practices for 2024

For the higher performance of your LinkedIn video ads, follow these best practices:

Test and Optimize

Perform A/B testing to determine the difference between the control and the video ad version. Test variations in the script, visuals, CTA, and targeting to see what resonates best with your audience. Monitor LinkedIn’s analytics performance and make required changes.

Use Storytelling

The storytelling technique is perfect for connecting with your audience. Whether it is customer testimonials, success stories, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, you can stand by your point. Using real-life stories to establish a value-based customer relationship can also make the brand more recognizable.

Pay Attention to the First Few Seconds

Starting a video in the right way is very important. According to research, video engagement can be maintained by attracting the audience’s attention within the first five seconds of the video. You may want to employ an attention-grabbing image at the start or ask them a question to engage them.


Stay true to your brand’s identity throughout the video. Use your brand colours, logo, and tone of voice to make the ad recognizable and consistent across all platforms.

Retargeting Is Important

Set retargeting to those who have viewed and interacted with your video but have yet to take the desired action. Retargeting can be an excellent tool for cementing your message and elevating your campaign results.

Spy on Your Competitors

Look at what your rivals are doing with their video ads and copy them. Examining the strategies they create may be a source of knowledge and hints for you.

Tips to Increase Your LinkedIn Video Advertising ROI


The key to success is effectively implementing a strategic method to maximally utilize LinkedIn video ads regarding return on investment (ROI).

Leverage LinkedIn Analytics

Take advantage of LinkedIn’s analytics tools to track the success of your video ads. Check out the stats like views, clicks, and conversions to find the effectiveness of your ads and make appropriate changes.

Align Your Ads with Sales Funnel Stages

Shape your video for the different levels of the sales funnel. For instance, employ the awareness videos to get the prospects on board and the conversion ones to get the leads to take action.

Integrate with Other Marketing Channels

Synergize your LinkedIn video ads with other marketing channels to strengthen them. Mix your marketing strategy in all areas with your video ads. Share videos on your website, email newsletters, and social media platforms to get more comprehensive coverage.

Engage with Your Audience

Pass to the comments and send messages to your video ads. Directly interacting with your audience could be a way to create connections and make a community around your brand.

Monitor and Adjust Budgets

Consistently check your ad expenditure and reallocate your budget based on performance results. Distribute the ads that are performing well more and decrease the showing of the ones that are not doing well.

Offer Value

Generate functional materials that satisfy the audience’s needs and interests. Educational video content, how-to resources, and industry knowledge can help your company become a reliable partner.


What is the ideal length for a LinkedIn video ad?

Say at once that these ads should be no more than 30 seconds long. If your message is longer, summarize it in the first 2-3 sec.

What budget should I set for LinkedIn video ads?

Your budget is primarily determined by the campaign’s objectives and your selected target audience. The initial budget should be a test one, and then you can change it based on the results.

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn video ads are awesome for marketers and small businesses who want to raise their brand and attract attention from a professional audience. This guide will, therefore, show you step-by-step how to create high-quality video ads that deliver great results.

Ready to get started? Sign up today with our LinkedIn Video Ads course and boost your marketing tactics!

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