Twitter Ads: The Complete Guide For Beginners

Catapulting digital marketing efforts and connecting to a massive, real-time responsive audience? Get ready to tweet, small business owners, and social media managers. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll help you unlock the potent secrets of Twitter Ads, cultivate unyielding, electrifying campaigns, and understand why Twitter Ads are an absolute must-have for anyone in the business of digital marketing.

Twitter Ads
Twitter Ads

What are Twitter Ads?

For a business or entrepreneur looking to find new users, generate leads, or drive traffic to a website, Twitter Ads can help you showcase Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends to the right people, at the right time, in front of the right audiences.

Twitter Ads are paid social-media adverts on the platform that present certain content beyond an advertiser’s organic reach to a bigger and more targeted audience than usual. On Twitter, Twitter Ads can behave differently, appearing in timelines, search results, and profile pages in various formats.

Why You Should Consider Advertising on Twitter

Want to improve your branding and build up your online audience? Twitter Ads can be the perfect strategy for your business. Here are three reasons why you should consider advertising on Twitter:

  • Brand Awareness: Twitter Ads can help you reach new audiences, and increase brand visibility.
  • You Engaged with it: Promoted tweets and other ad formats get users to engage with your content.
  • Lead Generation: Foster a robust following by generating more leads with Twitter Ads. Get potential sales and conversions from directed web traffic.
  • Cost Management: While you have options such as maintaining control of your budget and bidding, you can still manage your advertising costs.

Twitter Ad Types

Promoted Tweets

A Promoted Tweet is a standard Tweet that advertisers pay to reach more users, and they are integrated into the timeline of the user, into search results, and also within the Explore tab. The magic is that people do not notice it is an advertisement because it blends more subtly into organic content.

Key Tips for Promoted Tweets

  • Targeting: You can use Twitter’s targeting options to reach specific people.
  • Excellent Copy: Write engaging body copy and compelling headlines. Use eye-catching images, videos, or gifs.
  • Strong Call-to-Action: A good CTA will get many users to do it (ie, click and go to your site, sign up for your newsletter, etc).

Promoted Accounts

Promoted Accounts grow your following by putting your account in front of users who Twitter thinks will be interested in following you – by appearing in users’ ‘Who to Follow’ suggestions, in search results, and in timelines.

Key Tips for Promoted Accounts

  • Profile Optimization: Your profile is 100 percent optimized if your bio, picture, and pinned tweet show exactly what new followers are getting from your account.
  • Target Audience: People who are interested in topics similar to the interests of your existing followers.
  • Keep Up: Post great content often enough to keep your new audience interested and convert these followers into endorsers.

Promoted Trends

With Promoted Trends, brands can buy the Trends section at the top of the site for themselves, placing their Hashtag topics front and center, to maximize their visibility. They’re well-suited to amplifying awareness around products, events, or other branded launches.

Tips for Promoted Trends

  • Promote at the appropriate time: Run your Promoted Trend when your target audience is online. Take into account time zones, dawn and dusk, and high-usage periods.
  • Hashtag: Make sure your hashtag is concise, lively, and comprehensible so that users want to engage with it.
  • Involvement: Feed it! Retweet like and reply to users who take up your hashtag.

Video Ads

Video Ads from Twitter are very entertaining and can create a story for your brand. They are in the form of Promoted Tweets and auto-play on users’ feeds.

Key Tips for Video Ads

  • Short and sweet: Videos can be no longer than 15 seconds, or interest will wane.
  • High-Quality Production: Be ever-conscious of the quality of your visual and audio elements. Videos with too much graininess or poor lighting can detract from your message.
  • Captions: Ensure your video is accessible to everyone, regardless of whether the volume is switched on or the default setting of social media videos.

Twitter Ad Specs

Want to run an ad campaign on Twitter? After mastering hashtagging and image compression for creating a Twitter profile, it’s crucial to acquire some basic knowledge regarding Twitter’s ad specifications:

  • Promoted Tweets: up to 280 characters; up to 4 images, 20 seconds maximum).
  • Promoted Accounts: Profile image (400×400 pixels), cover photo (1500×500 pixels).
  • Trends: Takes between five to 10 minutes. No hard media requirements – the text of a Trends ad can be up to 20 characters long.
  • Promoted Moments: Customizable with multiple tweets, images, and videos.

How to Set Up a Twitter Ad Campaign

Choose Your Objective

After registering and creating a Twitter Ads account, choosing your first ad campaign can leave you feeling a little lost. Setting up a basic Twitter ad campaign involves choosing your goal (Twitter offers an array of campaign objectives):

  • Awareness: Increase the reach of your tweets and enhance brand visibility.
  • Consideration: Drive website traffic, app installs, or video views.
  • Conversion: Encourage actions like website conversions or app re-engagement.

The objective you select has a large impact on what styles of ad formats and bidding options are available to you. Make sure your objective aligns with your overall marketing goals.

Set Your Budget and Pacing

Choose budget and speed Theoretically, on Twitter you can control both your budget and your pace (or velocity) in terms of daily spending/maximum rev per day or maximum rev per day and total campaign budget and terms of standard vs accelerated pacing:

  • Daily Budget: The maximum amount you’ll spend each day.
  • Total Budget: The maximum amount you’ll spend over the campaign’s lifetime.
  • Standard Pacing: Spread your budget evenly over the campaign duration.
  • Accelerated Pacing: Spends your budget as quickly as possible.

The strategies, such as counting, raising income, and sharing, are relatively straightforward. In essence, they amount to figuring out how much you can put aside, and how quickly, so that you have enough for your ads to be seen as much as possible before you run out of money.

Enter Your Ad Group Details

Ad groups organize different sets of ads with the same theme within your campaign. Here you will specify:

  • Ad Group Name: A descriptive name for easy identification.
  • Start and End Dates: Schedule your ad group to run within specific dates.
  • Bid Type: Choose between automatic bidding, maximum bidding, or target bidding.

Providing granular information about ad groups will help you track performance and make needed changes more quickly.

Choose Your Audience Targeting Strategy

It is crucial to reach the relevant audience one wants for a Twitter ad. There are three targeting options the users can select in the ad generation process using Twitter Ads:

  • Demographics: Target users based on age, gender, language, and location.
  • Interests and Behaviors: Reach users with specific hobbies, interests, or behaviors.
  • Keywords: Target users who have tweeted or engaged with specific keywords.
  • Followers: Target users who follow specific accounts or categories.
  • Tailored Audiences: Upload your list of contacts or website visitors for retargeting.

Use these audience features to create a super-relevant audience for your campaign and make sure that your ads are seen by the audience who will most care about your content.

Choose Your Ad Placements

  • Timeline: Ads will appear in users’ timelines.
  • Search Results: Ads will appear in Twitter search results.
  • Profiles: Ads will appear on users’ profiles.
  • Tweet Detail Pages: Ads will appear on individual tweet pages.

It’s fundamental to set the right placements to optimize the reach of your ads by embedding them where your potential target audiences are most likely to see and listen.

Choose Your Creatives

The creatives of your ad campaign refer to the ad text, images, video, and call-to-action (CTA) buttons that will ultimately reach your audience. Some tips on how to create effective creatives are:

  • Brief copy: Conversational Copy, laser-focused on my advertising objective, and only includes the most essential information.
  • High-quality visuals: You need to use high-resolution images or videos that are visually appealing.
  • Strong CTA: This asks for a further clear and compelling CTA relating to the subject matter.

Tiny changes to creative elements like images, copy, and CTA also encourage solid experimentation: you get to see what your audience responds best to, and which elicits the highest engagement through A/B testing.

Review and Submit

Right before you are about to give the green light to your new Twitter ad campaign, you should make sure you check again all the innumerable detail screens.

  • Double-Check Targeting: Ensure your targeting options align with your intended audience.
  • Preview ads: See how your ads will look when you publish them to users.
  • Finalize Budget: Confirm your budget and pacing strategy.
  • Compliance Check: Ensure your ads comply with Twitter’s advertising policies.

Once you’re done, click submit to start your campaign. Keep an eye on the metrics, and refine your campaign as you go along.

How Much Does Twitter Advertising Cost in 2024?

The advertising cost on Twitter(in 2024, now called X) changes according to different kinds of advertisements and different results expected. Here is the notification.

How Much Do Twitter Ads Cost
How Much Do Twitter Ads Cost
  • Promoted Accounts: These ads cost between $2 and $4 per follower.
  • Cost Per Action (CPA) charges People see your Promoted Tweets and: Visit your landing page Your Promoted Tweets are charged on a Cost Per Action (CPA) basis, from $0.25 to $2 per action.
  • CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions): The average CPM is around $1.732.
  • CPLC (Cost Per Link Click): The average CPLC is approximately $0.072.

Tips for Successful Twitter Ads in 2024


Craft Compelling Ad Copy

Notable ads or Facebook posts can be useful for creating catchy ad copy on Twitter – here’s some advice to get you started:

  • Keep It Short: Twitter has a character limit that requires poetic attention to brevity. Be clear, succinct, and effective, but keep it brief.
  • Strong Calls to Action: Use calls-to-action to nudge users into taking action on pages, for example, ‘Shop Now’ or ‘Learn More’.
  • Emojis At Your Service: A tasteful emoji can make your tweet pop and instantly convey mood.

Utilize Visual Content

Images and videos are an essential part of gaining traction on Twitter – tweets with pictures or movies get many more interactions than just plain text. Think about:

  • High-Quality Images: Use clear, high-resolution images that align with your brand.
  • Videos or GIFs: A short, catchy way to communicate your message.
  • Infographics: Share valuable information through visually appealing infographics.

Capture Your Ideal Audience

Get more out of your ad impact on Twitter with these must-have targeting options:

  • Demographics: Zero in on age, gender, location, and language.
  • Interests and Behaviors: Connect with users based on their passions and actions.
  • Custom Audiences: Leverage your customer data to craft precise audience segments.

Test and Optimize

  • A/B Testing: Pick an ad format and see which one generates the most clicks or leads. Try different combinations of copy and visuals to see what creates the highest conversion rate.
  • Analyse Results: Get insight into how your ads are performing on Twitter by using these metrics to measure success and make necessary changes.
  • Refine Strategy: Adjust your strategy based on data insights to enhance ad performance continually.

Monitor Performance

Watching your ad performance closely helps you stay on track with your campaigns:

  • Track Metrics: Here you see key performance indicators including click-through rates (CTR), engagement rates, and conversion rates.
  • Adjust Budgets: Allocate your budget to high-performing ads and reconsider spending on underperforming ones.
  • Pay Attention to Feedback: Listen to user discussions and engagement to understand how your content is resonating.


Can I control my Twitter Ads budget?

Yes, with Twitter Ads you can set a daily, weekly, or campaign budget and watch your spend as you choose.

What types of businesses benefit most from Twitter Ads?

And at the end of the day, they just narrow down to B2B or B2C, if there are more than two possible options; in general, anybody can name the industries of Tech, Media, Entertainment, and Retail, but that’s where it ends.

Can I target specific demographics with Twitter Ads?

Yes, via Twitter, you can choose to have your ads placed before a particular demographic: age, gender, location, language, and interests.


For entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, and social media managers, Twitter Ads can help small business owners reach a bigger audience, would-be consumers keep a closer eye on your brand, and everyone has the chance to hit your marketing goals. We explore the benefits, ad types, and best practices of Twitter Ads so you get the most out of your campaigns with these simple steps.

Take your Twitter advertising to the next level. Start a trial today!

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