The 12 Different Types of Facebook Ads You Need to Master

The vast sea of digital advertising offers an analogy to Facebook as a series of separate processes from the rest. It is no exaggeration to claim that the influence of targeting your Facebook ads can be seen. 
But the issue is that the more advertising tools you have, the more difficult it is to use them. For many an unaccustomed marketer or business owners, fully understanding the different Facebook ad types may be a little bit too much. 
Mastering every single Facebook ad type, and having a serene approach (when and where to use each one) becomes the key to crafting campaigns that hit the nail on the head and turn the heads of your crowd.

Facebook Ad Types
Facebook Ad Types

Facebook Image Ads

It’s reasonable to assert that image ads on Facebook are more memorable when they use a single, critically important image and a short, punchy copy. For objectives such as brand awareness and reach, these ads appear in your audience’s news feed or right column.


  • Brand Awareness: Positively present your brand not just with a memorable message but also with eye-grabbing images.
  • Reach: Make it worth their while to look at your product or service by using an attractive image.


  • Image Quality: Select and use the ones that carry a high resolution that can truly represent your brand’s values and that are captivating without being too edgy.
  • Copy Creativity: Craft a succinct and sweet message that will complement your image and pique viewers’ interest to know more.
  • Call to Action (CTA): The CTA button alone can do the trick in convincing your audience to act in the way you intended.

Facebook Video Ads

When you’re utilizing Facebook Video Ads — showing them to your customers — make sure they convey tons of visualizations. What you can do is show your video in question, share a success story about a customer, or get your audience involved in the story in a way.


  • Engagement: Reach out, and encourage likes, shares, and comments regarding the content by using the shared items that resonate with your subscribers.
  • Video Views: YouTubers and Facebookers get the chance to view your video production content and that’s adjusted to engage the maximum audience in a short period.

Best Practices

  • Begin Strong: Be fast. Establish a mental involvement with the audience from the start to keep users watching.
  • Tell a Story: For example, include events that generate personal engagement, and develop a narrative that makes viewers interact more.
  • Optimized to Mobile Viewing: Create videos that are specifically designed to be mobile-friendly for a better viewing experience. This typically involves together vertical or square formats.

Instant Experience Ads (formerly Canvas Ads)

Facebook’s Instant Experience Ads unite the art of storytelling and the effectiveness of audience interaction. This format could be displayed in a big ad unit which includes videos, photos carousels, and tilting-picture-to-straight features to produce a one-of-a-kind interactive brand exposure.


  • Showcase Products: Offer a closer view of your products or services with an engaging and comprehensive approach.
  • Brand Storytelling: Make use of the opportunity to tell lots of stories about your brand in an interactive format.

Best Practices

  • Balance Content: Employ a combination of media to strike a balance between information and entertainment.
  • Mobile Optimization: Double-check the mobile view of your Instant Experience Ads since mobile devices remain the key platform where users mainly see them.
  • Quick Load Times: Ensure that the design of elements allows them to load quickly to avoid users losing interest.

Facebook Collection Ads

The new Delivery Ads are aimed at users running shopping affairs only by making the acquisition. They are initially visible with a main image or video above a group of product photos. By clicking on the items, it opens an interactive full page, which makes it possible to shop and buy directly on Facebook without needing to leave it.


  • Sales: Integrate product sales directly into the ad by bringing the whole line of the product and having specific ones highlighted.
  • Brand Showcase: Give the possibility to have a more complete view of the product line for the more expensive or complex products.

Best Practices

  • High-Quality Images: Your products should be displayed very well, for the visual effect to be the best.
  • Clear Pricing and Offers: If items are on sale or have some discounts, make sure they are visible to the user. Give them clear and concise information.
  • CTA Selection: Go with the action that fits your mission/objectives, for example, “Shop Now” or “Learn More.”

Facebook Carousel Ads

It is possible to create Carousel Ads where there can be up to ten images or videos within a unit without a sidebar, but only with individual links for each. This ad type is a rare combination of interest and beauty.


  • Brand Storytelling: The brand tries and experiments with the multi-image carousel type of Ads to make the advertisement more interesting, charming, and communicative to users.
  • Product Showcase: To be more presentable and a step towards brand recognizance, provide several product details or features in an ad set so that you can choose the best one for your brand.

Best Practices

  • Visual Cohesion: Use the picture-by-picture isomorphism to relate each image to the next, so it makes a big impression or demonstrates the range of products and their likes.
  • Sequential Options: When advertising it, give clear sample images like a piece of furniture along with the effects of different material types or steps in the product creation process.
  • Clear Navigation: The cards should connect to a clearly defined location, like an appropriate product page or an article.

Facebook Slideshow Ads

Facebook Slideshow Ads are exceptionally affordable due to their amazing versatility: you can safely use the frequent image loop as a substitute for the video.


  • Awareness: Create a dynamic, moving ad that captures attention without requiring a high video production budget.
  • Video-like Messaging: Having a video is another super efficient means to describe your product’s qualities. You can give detailed information about your item while using fewer words.

Best Practices

  • Text and Sound Consideration: Apart from this, slideshows can only be watched without sound. In that case, your video must be written in text and also include beautiful pictures or graphics.
  • Simplicity: Slideshows need to keep their partitioned information very clear. The call to action should be immediately recognizable.
  • Clear Branding: The goal is that your brand is instantly recognizable and placed consistently across each slide of the slideshow.

Facebook Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Ads automatically advertise the goods to those who have already exhibited an interest in your website, app, or else on other websites across the internet. You can make a template for the creative copies and also customize the audience parameters and the budget.


  • Retargeting: Bring back potential customers who have visited your website but failed to place an order.
  • Cross-Selling: Propolish a user’s cross-sell, accepting it as the power of their history or the buying journey.

Best Practices

  • Customize for Audience: You can use the information you have about the customers to produce very focused ad content with a view of getting the highest conversions as promised.
  • Regularly Updated Content: Be always fresh with your content using all your newest products and promotion deals.
  • Testing and Optimization: Consequently, you will also A/B test the individual components, such as the order in which the images are displayed, the variations of the copy, or the CTA buttons, to enhance them.

Facebook Messenger Ads

Sponsored content is displayed in a user’s Facebook Messenger inbox, either as a destination or as a sponsored message. You can use these ads to boost either traffic to your site or conversational starters in Messenger.


  • Traffic: Send potential customers to your website so that they can get to know more about your product or service.
  • Lead Generation: Engage users through a conversation to find out the details of a particular product or service offering.

Best Practices

  • Intuitive Design: Create the ad as contextual as possible by matching the message experience the user expects in Messenger.
  • Conversational Tone: Ensure the ad copy is conversational and light, like a message from a friend.
  • Clear CTA: Try using a straightforward call to action that reflects the ad’s purpose, whether it is ‘Learn More’ or ‘Send Message.’

Facebook Stories Ads

Facebook Stories are vertical, full-screen ad placements that you can run on Facebook or Instagram. With a 2020 user base of 500 million daily active users, Facebook Stories ads are a trendy form of advertising that exceptionally suits mobile devices.


  • Engagement: When given the option to employ different creative features, users feel psychologically enticed to interact and engage.
  • Product Teasers: Providing a behind-the-scenes or sneak peek at new products to create buzz, that being said, it can be a great method to keep excitement.

Best Practices

  • Vertical Content: Content creations are of 9:16 proportion, precisely, and visuals have to be produced in vertical format.
  • Interactive Elements: To elicit prompt reactions from the users, add attractive elements to the Stories such as stickers, votes, and/or questions.
  • Short and Sweet: Furthermore, the content of your ad should be super-short and lucid, because, from the Story’s fleeting existence, the user must be able to receive the message.

Dynamic Product Ads

If you hold a big warehouse, Dynamic Product Ads through Facebook automatically display the right products to people who have shown an interest, whether you have it on your website, mobile app, or in the advertising network.


  • Remarketing: Take customers and users who have visited your website or mobile app back into consideration.
  • Cross-selling and Upselling: Additionally, you can do cross-selling and upselling by pinpointing a group of products that naturally go together and directing them to the customers.

Best Practices

  • High-Quality Product Feeds: Make sure that you have no duplications in the description or other data or all the ads become irrelevant if not updated daily.
  • Custom Audience Segmentation: Divert and control the audience flow based on a certain criterion, such as a newsletter subscription, page views, and screen visits.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Make sure to optimize mobile to capitalize on the low attention span and high potential for impulse decisions that mobile phone users have.

Lead Form Ads

Lead Form Ads specifically draw a new lag of leads into your business. With the help of this facility, Facebook users can easily sign up without leaving the application, speeding up the process of getting more customers.


  • Lead Generation: Select data from users for the customer base customization and future marketing activities.
  • Event Signups: Permit users to subscribe to events or newsletters simply by using auto-pre-filled predefined forms.

Best Practices

  • Clear Offer Presentation: Be very precise and emphasize all the benefits that your visitors will get only by providing their details.
  • Minimal Fields: Get the essential information, and you should only seek the minimum amount of the necessary data which is important for the user not to quit the site.
  • Auto-Fill with Facebook Information: The aim of a form should be to fill it out as fast and easy as possible, so use the auto-fill option. 

Poll Ads

With Poll Ads, you can construct and post quiz polls straight away from the main screen of the Facebook app.


  • Audience Insight Gathering: It provides a fundamental platform for engagement events. Also, there is an option for real-time insight analysis from the collected data as well.
  • Public Engagement: Forbid boredom during the conversational anodyne and non-offensive process. Myr the responder without attracting any attention to your brand presence.

Best Practices

  • Relevant and Relatable Questions: To obtain results closely related to the industry, products, or services” questionnaires” to your details.
  • Quick and Easy Participation: The simple way is not a bad idea, you know. To get to the point and receive higher amounts of information, make your polls as short as possible while spending less energy on interacting.
  • Use the Results: Analyze and then share the results with your audience after the poll ends to come to a full circle with your audience.


In a time when inboxes of prospects have been overwhelmed, the need for strategic and creative professionals to market using different ad formats is more profound on Facebook than ever before. The efficiency of the ad, meanwhile, depends on its alignment with the right audience. A well-worded message is enough for even the basic ad types to become super functional.

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